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High-End Computing Program

+ Home > Getting Started


This page serves as a starting point to help NASA-sponsored scientists and engineers learn how to request time on the agency's High-End Computing (HEC) systems, and then access our computing systems and support services.

While particularly aimed at potential and new users, the guide can serve as a quick reference for continuing users as well.

Requesting Computing Time

To become a user, you must first complete a request for computing time. This section explains eligibility requirements and the request and approval processes for award of computer hours.

Getting Accounts

Once your request for computing time is approved, you need an account to access the HEC systems. Whether you are a Principal Investigator or an associated user, here's the process for getting an account on systems based at NASA's two HEC facilities: NAS and NCCS.

Systems & Services At A Glance

With accounts in hand, you are now ready to use our HEC systems. This at-a-glance chart will help you navigate to NAS and NCCS computing systems, documentation, and support services.

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Getting Started

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