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High-End Computing Program

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06.27.24 - Fiscal Year 2025 Computing Time Requests Due Jul. 20, 2024
Investigators who would like to use resources at either NASA High-End Computing's NASA Advanced Supercomputing (NAS) Facility or NASA Center for Climate Simulation (NCCS) should submit their requests in the Request Management System (RMS) on or before Jul. 20, 2024. Fiscal Year 2025 (FY2024) allocations will become available at the start of the Fiscal Year on Oct. 1, 2024.

Actions Required:
  1. If you are a Principal Investigator (PI) or Computational PI, log in to RMS at https://request.hec.nasa.gov to verify that you have a submitted a resource request for FY2025.
  2. If your FY2025 resource request is still valid, you need do nothing.
  3. If you need to request resources or change your FY2025 request, click the “Request More Resources” link and follow the instructions. Use a negative number to request a decrease.
  4. Remember to click the “submit” button at the bottom of the page.
A quick-start guide to the HEC RMS system is available at https://hec.nasa.gov/request/RMS-Quick-Start-Guide-2023.pdf and a more detailed walkthrough is available at https://hec.nasa.gov/request/HEC_Webinar_RMS_101.pdf.

If you have questions about computing time requests or RMS, please email support@hec.nasa.gov.


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