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High-End Computing Program

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This page lists current NASA funding opportunities available to computational scientists and engineers, as well as past selections.


Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate (ARMD)

Research Opportunities in Aeronautics-2024 (ROA-2024)
ROA-2024 solicits foundational and system-level research in support of the ARMD and covers a variety of topics in aeronautics fundamental research that are being pursued by NASA personnel.
Release: Jan 01, 2024
Close: Jun 30, 2025
Research Opportunities in Aeronautics – 2023 (ROA-2023)
ROA-2023 solicits foundational and system-level research in support of the ARMD and covers a variety of topics in aeronautics fundamental research that are being pursued by NASA personnel.
Release: Nov 01, 2022
Close: Jun 30, 2024

Science Mission Directorate (SMD)

Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) – 2024
ROSES-24 is an omnibus NASA Research Announcement containing more than 100 different proposal opportunities within SMD.
Release: Feb 14, 2024
Close: May 15, 2025
Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) – 2023
ROSES-23 is an omnibus NASA Research Announcement containing more than 100 different proposal opportunities within SMD.
Release: Feb 14, 2023
Close: JuL 3, 2024

Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD)

Space Technology Research, Development, Demonstration, and Infusion 2024 (FY2024 SpaceTech REDDI)
STMD is dedicated to developing transformative, cross-cutting technologies that enable NASA’s missions while also supporting commercial and other government agencies’ needs where appropriate. The Space Technology account supports the Administration's priorities of developing new technologies to enable human and robotic exploration of the Moon, Mars, and beyond and enhancing research and development to contribute to U.S. leadership in space technology. Through STMD, NASA invests in high-risk, high-reward activities across the technology development spectrum through partnerships with academia, entrepreneurs, and small and large businesses.
Release: Oct 01, 2023
Close: Oct 24, 2024

More NASA Funding Opportunities

NASA Research Opportunities
The NASA Solicitation and Proposal Integrated Review and Evaluation System (NSPIRES) facilitates the search for NASA research opportunities across the entire agency.


Computational Modeling Algorithms and Cyberinfrastructure 2017
This program element invests in research and development activities to optimize the products and services at high-end computing (HEC) centers to increase the productivity of the users who use HEC to produce modeling products and the users who need to analyze the modeling results using the HEC resources. CMAC builds advanced modeling infrastructure used at NASA computing centers to support Earth system science investigations while fundamentally utilizing both models and data.
Computational Modeling Algorithms and Cyberinfrastructure 2014
This program element invests in technology developments to reduce the risk and cost of evolving NASA information systems to support future Earth system modeling efforts, including the integration of observational data into the model development, operations, and validation. The 2014 solicitation focuses on the information technologies and education activities required to enable and facilitate NASA’s Earth system modeling efforts.
Computational Modeling Algorithms and Cyberinfrastructure 2011
The 2011 solicitation focused on the computational technologies required to enable and facilitate the Modeling and Analysis Program and its supporting information systems.
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